E-commerce clothing brand, trendy men and women age 18-25, affordable business casual, fashion forward trend-conscious
January 2023
My debrief was to create an app for a concept clothing brand called Modura. In addition to the app, I were tasked at creating a logo and establishing the branding including typography and color palette. Modura concept; e-commerce clothing brand, trendy men and women age 18-25, affordable business casual, fashion forward trend-conscious.
My Challenge
Establish a new brand presence, create a style guide and design screens needed for a single task flow in a concept app.
Narrowed in on the business characteristics to guide my decision making, created a logo and style guide based on what I discovered in competitors with the same user base and implemented those style guides into an intuitive app design.
My Role
UI Design, Branding
Tools Used
Figma, Illustrator
Solo Project
My Process
Secondary Research
To start things off I focused my attention to the brand descriptors and demographics which were:
E-commerce clothing brand
Trendy men and women age 18-25
Affordable business casual
Fashion forward trend-conscious
I conducted some secondary research studying H&M, Urban Outfitters, and Princess Polly.
Once I had a good grasp on the brand descriptors and how competitors were approaching this, I started off with some sketches of logo ideas.
– Logo sketches
After narrowing down my sketch ideas and presenting them to my mentor we decided to move forward with three to iterate and digitize.
– Digitizing logo sketches
Once I established the final logo I went ahead and designed some icons that were in alignment with it, that I could utilize in the app design.
I then established typeface, color palette, and created a style guide.
– Icon set
– Typestyle
– Color palette
– Style tile
After establishing the branding and style guide, I moved forward with creating screen designs in Figma. With some iterations I implemented the brand guidelines and style guide into the designs.
– Final screen designs; log in, home, product page
The big challenge here was creating the branding from basically nothing. the logo was one thing but when it came to color and typeface, I found it difficult not having an actual product or web screen to implement them into to test them out. The main project focus was the screen designs, so I found keeping that in mind made it more challenging to make branding decisions in some ways. In the future I will know how to better approach this and have a better understanding of which branding guidelines work in UI and which don’t.
Since this was mostly a branding and UI focused concept project I didn’t conduct as much research as I would have liked to. I think dedicating a little more time on this in the beginning would have made the decisions to follow easier.
That being said this was a great learning experience and I am proud of the assets I was able to create.